Lamb Pilaf

This is one of my children's and husband's favourite winter warmer dishes.

  • 1kg Basmati rice
  • 1kg lamb chops(without bones)
  • 500g carrots
  • 1 can (400g) whole peeled tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 large onions
  • sultanas and cashew nuts(optional)


1) First, cook your rice. While the rice is cooking, dice the lamb into bite sized pieces and marinate it in vinegar and salt for roughly 10 minutes.

2) Slice the carrots into rings and slice the onions into half rings.

3) Heat the pan, then proceed to add in the oil. When the oil is heated well, add in the lamb. When the lamb has browned and all the water has evaporated, add in the sliced carrots.

4) After the carrots have browned a little, add in the onions and when the onion too has browned, add in the can of peeled tomatoes.

5) Cook with the tomatoes for 5 minutes.

6) Combine the mixture with your cooked rice and serve with pepper according to  your preference. Garnish with some sultanas or cashew nuts.

"It's so yummy you won't regret it!"-My husband. 
What's your favourite dish?



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